
Three elements factors temperature vacuum sintering furnace outward transfer

Three elements factors temperature vacuum sintering furnace outward transfer

According to the distribution of temperature field equations, the distribution of heat throughout the vacuum smelting furnace temperature field, depending on several aspects of constraint. That average thermal conductivity of the material, the average density of the material P and the average ratio of melt c. . Factors in Vacuum Furnace outward transfer, including the following three points:
① strength furnace heat yuan roar, in this design, mainly in the form of heat. Internal heat source, the temperature passes from the inside to the outside. Its strength directly affects the size of the furnace temperature distribution. As it can be seen from (5), the higher the heat source when the roar, the higher the temperature of a certain point, while a certain temperature difference (△ T) distribution area (r) increases. Therefore, in the actual production process, by controlling the furnace core surface load ie furnace core power distribution control furnace temperature.
② reaction furnace feed distance from the core (△ r), when the furnace core constant power, constant source of strength that is within, the farther away from the reaction furnace core material, the lower the temperature, the reaction may not reach the desired temperature. Furnace core from the closer, the higher the temperature, the more beneficial to the reaction.
③ charge thermal performance, the better the thermal performance of the charge, the faster the loss of internal heat outside, it is easy to heat loss outside of the reaction material, resulting in a certain point temperature decreases. However, if the material of the reaction thermal performance is not good, the heat conducive to aggregation, so that heat transfer outwardly extended time to facilitate the reaction of the heat absorbing material and the reaction carried out to raise the temperature of some points. Should be in high vacuum (4 ~ 13Pa) carried out a reaction temperature of about 1200 deg.] C, the core temperature quickly reaches the desired value, and therefore the reaction time depends on the thickness of the reaction material, i.e., the reaction furnace is fed die periphery from the furnace insulation layer. It can be designed to control the size of the furnace operation time.

